Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Baby Shipps....coming this December

Be patient with my doubt because I am trying to figure out YOUR will. I’ve never been so scared for a moment in my life that caused a fear in me that was a paralyzing numbness that left me senseless. Who would ever think that carrying a child inside of you could be so scary all coming from life experiences that took chunks of my heart? Today was a day of mixed emotions but the one that deserves the attention and praise is HOPEFUL!!!!  When you have “hope” you have a future.  So God asked me today…. loud and clear………… to trust HIM with every ounce of my soul. So I prayed and I ask everyone that I knew to pray with me. I prayed that HIS will, not mine, would be done.  As hard as I kicked and screamed on this one prayer, I knew that he knew best for me.  As hard as this child bearing experience has been, it has taught me many things. I have been taught and believe that He wants me to have this miracle and He wants to give me my heart’s desire.  Today made HIM happy. Today made me hope for a future instead of fearing the unknown. I witnessed firsthand His love, presence, and mercy. I lay on my knees in awe of Answered Prayers!!! He brings hope to the hopeless…..He gives peace to the restless…..He fills those who are empty and rescues those in the valley.  He finds me in my weakness and he heals the wounds of my heartache.  Open my eyes to the things unseen and show me how to love and trust your plan for my life. For those that were there today near and far and supported us, just know you are a blessing to me. You continue to love me and lift me!!!! You help me stay strong and hopeful and help fight this battle.  But one thing is for sure ….WE all are blessed!!!!  You saw a blessing today!!!! Today we are 14 weeks pregnant and this baby is fighter!!!!!! Another Baby Shipps on the way……coming this December. PRAISE GOD!!!!!!!! He gets all of this glory!!!!!

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